Module 2 - Cartography Lab


This is a map depicting the location, relative to county and nearby cities, of the University of West Florida. 
I decided to make a clear-cut map in the form of an informative illustration that would be found in an advertisement/brochure for the school. The goal was to communicate in what region of Florida the school is located and where its exact location is within that region.
The contains a bold and clear label in addition to a legend placed on a white background to attract the eye and reduce clutter. The north arrow, scale bar, and publishing information are distinct and legible but stacked in the consistent blue of the Gulf of Mexico as to not detract from the primary information. 
I chose green as the color for the featured county as it is verdant and inviting yet 'pops' relative to the shades of gray seen in the rest of the map. The neighboring Florida counties are shaded with a darker gray to show differentiation with from the neighboring states, yet, this shade does not detract attention from the featured county. 
In the upper right hand corner is a plain subset representing the state of Florida and its resident counties. The state is colored gray and the featured county is a bright red to represent distinction. 
I chose to simplify the scale bars easily defined nominations. 
I kept the star used to represent the location of the university colored yellow. Yellow is the first color the eye is attracted to and I figured that would be the best decision to represent the focal point of the map. 
The assignment started out relatively complicated and a great attention to detail was required. It was easy to get lost in each step and finding buttons could occasionally be unnerving. Towards the end of the assignment, I began to realize the purpose was to explore and create something that looked good, not merely follow instructions and imitate. This is when the project became fun and I began to ease up and really enjoy bouncing around ArcGis Pro. This liberty is what began to make me familiar with the program; I was adjusting images and text to my heart's content. I am quite proud of this map and, though in hindsight it is a little distracting, I do think the information was communicated clearly and the manipulation of the data was done clean and well. 
